Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Toy Story 3, and Super 8 Movie Reviews!

Super 8/Movie
Rating Scale # of 8’s: 1-5
Criteria RatingComments
Plot888Easy to follow, fast paced, but too predictable.
Realism8888Very real, great actions scenes, looks as real as can be.
Suspense88Not too suspenseful, could predict what happens next, but its rated pg13 for a reason.
Special Offects88888Suspensful special effect's, they looked like it was in real life, especially in HD.
Character8888Some characters were funny and acted like it was real, others, not so much.

Super 8 is an action packed, tough, and thrilling story about a group of kids who witness a crazy and catastrophic train crash. Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams. Joel Courtney “the main character” and his buddies were making a movie next to the train tracks in a small town in Ohio, when someone in their car stops on the tracks and waits for the train to come and hit it. They figured it was not an accident, and shortly after, unnoticed deaths were happening, and no one knew who it was. Was it a monster in the train? Or a killer on the loose?
This was a great movie. It really represents the olden days with the cars, and what people in the movie wear. The storyline is easy to follow and really realistic. It makes sense, and for me even if you started the movie half way in you would still understand what its about. Ryan Lee, Joel Courtney and Elle Fanning did a great job playing the kids in the movie. It was a really realistic movie, in which the train crash what was the main accident was really well put together, and had really good special effect's. As well as the rest of the movie. The movie wasn't too scary, and I think littler kids could easily handle it. The monster in the movie was also very real looking. It must of taken a lot of time to do that. The information that the story puts out is easy to understand for me. Spielberg and Abrams did a great job putting together the movie.
Overall, the movie was a joy to watch. The special effect's were great, the characters had humor, but at the same time were serious. The storyline was clear and easy to understand. And the movie wasn’t too scary, but it got you on your toes in some parts of the movie. I would rate this movie a 8 out of 10 because of how good of a job they did. I would also recommend this movie for all ages except toddlers, because of the scariness factor.
Toy Story 3
Rating Scale # of 3’s: 1-5
Plot33Plot was so-so. To much like the other toy stories. But it made sense, and was easy to understand.
Animation3333Great animation. The animator really made it stand out.
characters voice
333The voices really connect to the characters in the movie.
meaningful theme33Theme wasn’t meaningful. Should of changed it up a little from Toy Story 2.
funniness 3Funny for little kids, but not for the adults.


Toy story 3 is a kid friendly movie about a group of friends named Woody (Tom Hanks) Jessie (Joan Cusack) Buzz Light year (Tim Allen) and last but not least, Rex (Wallace Shawn). Andy, the kid that owns all the toys is leaving to go of to college, so he dumps all the toys off at a daycare center. The toys meet all sorts of other toys like barbies, and even the lots-o-hugging bear. They soon grow to hate their surroundings, and have to make an escape plan. Will they use their plan wisely, and escape the daycare center with no harm? Or will they get caught, leaving the daycare center?
    The plot and mood of the movie was gray to me.. From my perspective it was too much like the other toy stories. But they did add new characters and change up the scenes and where the movie was based, and I like that about the plot. I think it was a smart idea to kick Addy out of the movie and send him off to college, because he’s had the toys for as long as the first Toy Story. They plot was easy to understand, but you would have to have watched the movie from the beginning to get what its all about. I think the best part of the movie was the animation. It really connected to the scene, and the makers of the movie did a clever job on making the animation one of the best things about the movie. The animation almost looks like it’s being filmed in real life, especially in the HD aspect.
    On the opposite side of the plot, I’m glad they did not change the characters voice of the movie, because if they did it wouldn't be as powerful. I think they should of changed the plot of the movie, but not the characters voice. The director really thought it up when he kept tom Hanks as Woody for all 3 movies. And Tom really did a fantastic job on connecting to who woody was, and trying to act the best as he could as a cowboy. I think that goes the same with all the other characters, and it was hard to tell that that it was even them because their voice connected to the characters in the movie. I think that they should of put some more humor into the movie, because for me, it wasn't too funny. But I understand because it’s a kid movie, so kids would laugh more than adults, for the jokes. Also the theme. To me the theme was’t meaningful at all. In other words, it didn’t really have a meaning to it, and it was kind of “here comes this, here comes that.” They made this movie for kids, and kids don't really care about a meaningful theme. But if i was going to put something down about this movie, it would be the theme.
    If the goal for this movie was to make kids laugh, and make them like it, then the director and the characters did a pleasant job. Not as good as some of the other animated movies out there, but good enough to make kids laugh. Also the movie was very real, and the animation was intriguing. But the theme didn't mean as much as it should to me. To sum things up Toy Story 3 is a kid friendly movie, and is enjoyed by kids all around.

Monday, December 12, 2011

IPhone 4s vs HTC Rezound

IPhone 4s vs HTC Rezound
    The IPhone 4s and the HTC Rezound are obviously both great phones. Its really Apple and Android that are competing for the best phone around, but what do people want. Do they want a thinner phone, or a phone that has great sound. The HTC rezound is the newer phone, but hot does it measure up against apples still popular, IPhone 4s. There also is some pretty hard competition out there in the phone world, but between the IPhone 4s and the HTC Rezound, which phone is more popular?
The IPhone 4s is the smaller phone out of the two, and also lighter. The IPhone 4s measures in at 1.4 kg and the rezound is 1.64 kg. That's not much of a difference, but to the people that really speculate phones out there, that could make the IPhone 4s the phone to buy. But with no doubt, the HTC Rezound has a bigger screen, and that usually adds to more weight. Both phones have a couple color choices which is good. The Rezound uses different materials around the exterior of the phone. On the other hand the IPhone 4s uses the same material around the whole phone. In that case the HTC Rezound is more graspable rather than the sleek design of the 4s, but some people might think the sleek IPhone design is less cheap and crummy.
Now, the inside. The display is a really big part of what the phone looks like. And in this case, the Rezound has a better display on the screen. The IPhone 4s comes in at 640x960 retina display, but the Rezound has a 1280x720 retina display. The Rezound now beats the highest resolution phone by a 12 point difference. The camera is also a big part of a phone. If its a very good camera, there might not be any need of buying a separate one. And its a tie here. Both phones have an 8 mega pixel camera which is stunning. And both can capture 1080p video. But the Rezound has a bigger camera facing the front, and a bigger f-stop on the back.
People like phones with long battery life, so they know that wherever they go, the phone will last a long time. But battery life also depends on how you use your phone, whether you have wifi turned on, or airplane turned on. The phone might last shorter than usual or longer. But also 4g takes up a lot of battery, and the Rezound is a 4g phone unlike the IPhone 4s. The IPhone will standby for up to 200 hours, but the Rezound will standby for 261. So the Rezound beats the IPhone 4s in battery time.
    Last but not least is the operating system the phone runs on. And in this case, there is two totally different systems. There is apples OS operating system, and the widely known Android operating system. Both have two totally different ways of running. They have different markets and music stores. Android uses the Android market and amazon shopping for music. But Apple uses the loved Itunes and the app store for there apps and media. The Rezound also is a HTC which has the HTC sense skin. People say that Apple is overall easier to use and to understand, and it comes with 5GB of free iClolud storage, so the Apple IPhone 4s is more liked in this category. Both are great phones, but I would recommend the HTC Rezound because I feel that Android is more interesting, and there is more to learn and find out about in it. And one of the biggest upsets with the Rezound is that it has 4g power unlike the IPhone 4s. It also comes with a free pair of great, beats earphones. I found this information at Gadgetreview.com And after all the talking the Rezound is the winner out of these phones for me.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How Bobby Does and Does not Show Respect

How Bobby does and does not respect
  Owen Morehead  
Respecting is always a problem in life. People’s instinct is just not to respect, most of us that is. If none of us respect others then life will be hard and full of problems. And Bobby in the Misfits by James Howe also has a problem showing respect early out in the book, but he learns how to respect others and their feelings later on in the book. Whether it’s caring or respecting, all the main characters in the Misfits have a problem expressing their real feelings. Bobby, Addie, Joe, and Skeezie call themselves “The Gang of Five.” They always get bullied and called names in a small school called Paintbrush Falls. But then the chance comes to stop the name calling with the student election. Will respecting be fixed in Paintbrush falls, or will the names keep on coming?
          Bobby has a hard time showing his respect for other people early on in the Misfits. There are many examples in this book of how Bobby Goodspeed doesn't show respect. For example, Bobby made a third party without asking Ms. Wyman a teacher at Paintbrush Falls School about starting it. This shows that Bobby doesn't respect people’s thoughts and didn't think he needed to ask Ms. Wyman about starting the third party. Which was a big deal. (181-190) Another example of why Bobby doesn’t show respect early in the book would be that Bobby doesn’t respect his dad. Bobby doesn't want to end up like his dad, and he’s disrespectful to him and his thoughts. Bobby calls his dad “A low life character.”(59) This would show that Bobby doesn’t think his dad is a good role model, and Bobby doesn’t want to end up being lonely and drunk, because Bobby's dad used to be an alcoholic. “I remember more than once when my dad had a glass of scotch in one hand and a book in the other while he was reading to me.” (59) One other case of Bobby showing such little respect for adults would be that Bobby doesn't respect Mr. Kellerman. He doesn't take him seriously even though he is Bobby's boss. Bobby’s nickname for Kellerman is “Killer man”. That shows that Bobby doesn't really understand or trust Mr. Kellerman. He also says “You have to hand it to the guy; he has style, even if he has the personality of a doorstop.” Or “I know I have to work, but why this job.” Most importantly Bobby doesn't show respect to himself. He doesn't believe in himself, and he doesn't trust in himself. Bobby calls himself “fat”, and “no one will ever like him.”(80) This shows that Bobby still doesn't trust himself, and doesn't think he is a good person.
          Throughout the story Bobby starts to gain respect for people. For example, Bobby respects Brittney and her party for winning the election and he doesn’t get angry at her. He respects the ability of Brittney, even though he wanted to win the election, but he still feels good about his no name party and what they achieved.(260)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bobby even said “ It isn’t always about winning the election... Sometimes it’s about winning something much bigger.”(260). That shows that Bobby is learning to respect people like Brittney for who they are and if they win something he wanted to win he still respects them winning because Bobby was okay with losing. Another way of Bobby respecting would be that while Bobby was giving his big speech for the election, he went out of the way and mentioned Addie and the rest of his no name party, and how they have been a big help to the group, and have been his friends ever since he was little. They have helped him through a lot and no matter what any of them do; he respects them for who they are. Bobby even says “What I want to say is that Addie has been my friend my whole life, and Skeezie and Joe for a long time...” (252) and “I think they are winners... I know they are winners.” (252) That shows that Bobby has the courage to mention his best friends even during a big speech. Bobby is learning to show that he actually respects people like his friends, and is expressing his feelings out loud.
          In James Howe’s the Misfits, Howe was able to show the importance of Bobby changing throughout the story in learning how to respect. I think I can relate to Bobby because Bobby might not be able to take people seriously like Mr. Kellerman, but when they start to become better friends Bobby starts to understand and respect people for who they are. I would say that's the same as me. Some people I don't know that well, I don't respect as much because I'm not that good of a friend with them. Although when I get to know them better, I start to understand and respect them.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My friend Jordan and I have been friends for as long as we were in our mama’s tummies. We have the same hair-do which is dirty blond hair, we are about the same height, and we like a lot of the same things, for example, basketball. We have been on the same basketball team for a long time. We think alike, if I say one thing that no one else understands, Jordan will understand it. We have a lot of memories together, but one I will always remember is the “Beehive Accident”.
We were about ten or eleven when this accident happened. One day Jordan, me, and my other friend Shane were playing in a kitty pool in my yard. But then we got bored of the pool, we had an urge to go up in a tree stump that was in my yard about 10 feet high. We were picking huckleberries up there, red ones to be exact. I saw a really big huckleberry so I yelled out “Honker!” as in a big huckleberry. But the next thing I knew was that Jordan had stepped on a beehive that none of us knew was there because it was under a log, and the sad thing was, we were all barefoot.
Jordan screamed “There’s a beehive there!” So we needed to get down. He let Shane and I get down first. There is a rock climbing wall and that's how you get up and down. So Shane climbed down the rock climbing wall, but I couldn't wait to get down since I didn't want to get stung so I just jumped down. But one nice thing Jordan did was let us both get down first and he waited up in the tree. So after we got down Jordan finally did also. He ran into the pool that we had been playing in earlier, and luckily we didn't take the water out of it, Because Jordan needed it. Jordan is allergic to bees so he needed the pool water to jump into so he could get the bees off of him.
Once the whole accident was over we found out that they were actually wasps who stung us, not bees. Jordan had fourteen wasp stings all over his body and Shane and I only had a couple. We thanked Jordan for letting us get down first, and that he took the risk of getting stung for letting us get down. My mom soon gave us some clay cream that was supposed to help the wasp stings, and it did help. A LOT! Jordan did a very courageous thing that day, and what he did really shows that he is a good friend. Ever since that accident I don't like going up to that stump, but I will if I have to. That accident is something Jordan, Shane, and I will always remember.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My use of technology

Well in this point of time right now. I have an Ipod Touch 4g. I also have a verizion wireless cell phone. I have an ipad and a tv and many other things like a laptop, but it would take too long to write them all down. I probably visit facebook the most. I also visit armor games alot because they have a lot of coooolll and school apropriate fun games. In ten years I bet there will be computers that are connected to eye sun glasses. and they would be touchscreen, so you would see the whole computer in the glasses. I also bet in fifty years that there will be computers in your brain. Where you would get a computer chip put into your skin, and it would connect to your brain so you could see a computer in your brain. I bet there wont even be tvs and there would be some sort of crazy tv connected to you or something. And thats what i think about technology these days.

hey heyyy.. its OWEN

yo howz it hangin homie g. u kno it;...boom boom BAMMM!